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Vicki Colosimo – Accredited Mental Health Social Worker

icki is a qualified Social Worker who has been supporting individuals and families for more than fifteen years. She has extensive experience working in the not-for-profit sector in several well-known organisations in Melbourne. As an independent counsellor, Vicki enjoys working with people from a holistic approach where the client’s needs are at the centre of her practice. As an experienced practitioner there are many areas that Vicki can assist with.

Some areas of specialization include the following:

- Relationship counselling (for individuals and couples)
- Health and wellbeing
- Stress management
- Enhancing performance in sport
- Clinical/External supervision for workers

Days available: Wednesday afternoons/evenings and Sunday.

Please contact our friendly reception team at Werribee on (03) 9742 3500

- Bachelor of Health Science
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Diploma of Alcohol and other Drugs
- Specialist Course in Couple Therapy
- Certificate in Supervision
- Leading, Managing and Supervising